DML Briefing: Oct 3

OCTOBER 3, 2019

Today is October 3, and these are the stories I am following.

1-Biden hits back at ‘scared’ Trump
Former Vice President Joe Biden denounced President Trump’s attacks on him in a campaign speech in Nevada on Wednesday, claiming Trump was afraid of how badly the Democrat would beat him in 2020. “He did it because — like every bully in history — he’s afraid. He’s afraid of just how badly I would beat him next November,” Biden said in Reno, referring to Trump allegedly pressing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the Biden family’s ties in Ukraine, for which he’s now facing a formal impeachment inquiry led by House Democrats.

DML: The only way Biden stands a chance of winning his party’s nomination at this point is if he decides to identify as a woman sometime soon.  Without a radical play of some kind, he is yesterday’s news.

2-Trump says Schiff ‘helped write’ whistleblower complaint
A spokesman for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., acknowledged for the first time Wednesday that the whistleblower alleging misconduct in the White House had reached out to Schiff’s panel before filing a complaint — prompting President Trump to accuse Schiff of being a “fraud” and helping write the document. Schiff had previously claimed in a televised interview that “we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower.”

DML: California sure does pump out some outrageous personalities.  Pelosi, Waters, Schiff and Kardashian.  Sounds like a law firm specializing in lies and sex videos.

It was a volatile Wednesday as Trump set the tone by labeling Democrats’ impeachment inquiry as “BULLSH*T” over Twitter.

DML: Bullsh*t is right!

4-Ihan Omar: I live ‘rent free’ inside the head of Trump
Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., claimed that she dominates Trump’s thoughts in a television appearance Wednesday night.

DML: So much to write here but it would get me kicked off the internet.

5-Apple CEO passionately defends Dreamers
Apple’s CEO Tim Cook and senior VP Deirdre O’Brien sent a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the contribution that immigrants and specifically Dreamers have made in America and specifically Apple. The brief is a passionate defense of the Dreamers. They are immigrants protected from deportation by an order established during the Obama administration, which the Trump administration wants to end. Cook mentioned that Apple employs 443 Dreamers who come from more than 25 different countries on four continents.

DML: Free DML PURE CBD for any Dreamer who self deports.  Go to

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