We aggregate the trending news and reports you need to know about. From the Middle East to Manhattan, from the Beltway to Beijing, DML News provides a collection of headlines and bullet points that provide just enough detail for you to know what’s happening in the U.S. and around the world.

We do not add bias or opinions to the news we aggregate. What we do is rate articles and reports based on the following:

Provides named sources. DML News applies a star if sources are clearly named or seen in a related video or tweet.

Reported by more than one notable outlet. DML News applies a star if more than one notable news outlet is reporting the same or a very similar story.

Does not insert opinion or leading words. DML News applies a star if there is no bias indicated. Includes a review of original title.

Includes supporting video, direct statements, or photos. DML News applies a star if there is content that clearly supports the report / article.

Each post headline on our website comes with a prefix:

CLAIM: Indicates a news outlet has published an article that makes an accusation or issuing a report based on unnamed sources and or hearsay which DML NEWS cannot independently confirm.

REPORT: Indicates an article with adequate information that presents itself as legitimate news.

VIDEO: Indicates the post will be for the most part about a video.

DML TV: Indicates the post will include a video only.

DML: Means an opinion or commentary from Founder, Dennis Michael Lynch.

UPDATE: Means there is more information to a story already published / posted to the website.

EXCLUSIVE: Means DML NEWS is reporting directly and has had contact with the source(s) or subject(s) mentioned.

TRUMP: Indicates commentary from the president, typically in a tweet.

DML NEWS is quickly becoming the most trusted digital news source in the United States.  We frown upon fake news.  Our team of aggregators and writers do not appear on cable TV programs, nor do we write editorials or news pieces for other outlets.   We do not give interviews on radio, nor do we provide quotes in stories unless the story is specifically about DML NEWS or Dennis Michael Lynch.

Launched, owned and managed by Dennis Michael Lynch (DML), DML NEWS publishes breaking news and political stories that we aggregate from the leading news agencies around the world.  We do this all throughout the day, seven days per week.

We do not receive special interest funding, nor do we get paid from the news outlets we aggregate from or point to.

Typically, we post between 50 to 75 posts per day.  The mix of outlets we aggregate from are mostly household names, such as Fox News, CNN, AP, Reuters, USA TODAY, Breitbart, Axios, CBS NEWS, ABC NEWS, NBC NEWS, Daily Mail, and many more.   In other words, we offer news from liberal and conservative websites alike.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Dennis Michael Lynch is a registered Independent.  As a general rule, he does not donate to political parties or candidates.   He does financially support veterans groups, St Jude Childrens Hospital, and various youth programs.

ADS: Our website contains advertisements from respectable ad suppliers such as Google and RevContent to name a few.   If you see an ad which is unbecoming of our website, please contact us via the REPORT A PROBLEM link.