BREAKING: ABC News Epstein whistleblower speaks with Megyn Kelly after getting fired from CBS News

NOVEMBER 8, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM:

The woman who came forward after obtaining a video of ABC News’ Amy Robach admitting that her network spiked her story about a Jeffrey Epstein accuser spoke out on Friday.

The woman who obtained the video, Ashley Bianco, 25, was a former producer for Good Morning America. She had left that position prior to getting the video and was an Emmy-winning producer for CBS This Morning, but CBS News fired her after ABC News was able to confirm that she was the person who accessed the video.

The article goes on to state the following:

In an interview with Megyn Kelly, she said, “[Project Veritas] release the video, and I was shocked. I didn’t think anything of it.” She later added that she had only been at CBS News for four days before getting fired by the network.

“I begged, I pleaded. I didn’t know what I had done wrong, and I just, you know, I wasn’t even given the professional courtesy to defend myself. I didn’t know what I had been accused of. It was humiliating. It was devastating,” Bianco added.



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