DML Briefing: Nov 2

NOVEMBER 2, 2019

Today is Saturday, November 2 and here are the stories I am following.

1-Poll shows Partisan view on impeachment.
According to the AP, more Americans approve than disapprove of the impeachment inquiry, 47% to 38%, according to a new poll by The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. But it all depends on whom you ask. The vast majority of Democrats approve of the inquiry, 68% of them strongly. Most Republicans disapprove, 67% strongly.

DML: This sort of poll bodes well for Trump.  Remember, elections are won in the middle and these numbers show only the radicals support the impeachment.

2-Trump admin folds to CA
According to Fox News, the Trump administration has agreed to pay $846,000 to the state of California in a settlement over the administration’s efforts to add a citizenship question to the U.S. Census. California sued the Trump administration earlier this year over concerns a citizenship question on the census would lead to underrepresentation of minorities.

DML: I would have told Gov Newsom to shove his lawsuit where the sun won’t shine, and then I’d slap him with a lawsuit for harboring illegal aliens. #DML2024

3-Dems trash Trump in Iowa as Beto bows out
According to CNN, ninety-four days from the Iowa caucuses, the Democratic presidential contenders each got 12 minutes to try to impress likely voters on the state party’s biggest night of the year.  More than 13,000 tickets were sold, and the most disappointed attendees Friday night were those who were there — in some cases after traveling across the country — to support Beto O’Rourke. The former Texas congressman announced his departure from the 2020 race hours before the Liberty and Justice Celebration began. The news left supporters who had gathered just outside the Wells Fargo Arena for a pre-event rally crestfallen.  But that didn’t stop the candidates from trashing Trump.

DML: Running on “Trump sucks, open borders and gun control” can kick a guy to the curb real fast.  We have seen the last of Beto and the country is a better place for it.  Maybe he should move to Mexico.

4-President Xi goes to Iowa? Trump floats farm state to seal trade deal
According to Reuters, U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday suggested he could sign a long-awaited trade agreement with China in the farm state of Iowa, which has been hard hit by tariffs in a nearly 16-month trade war between the world’s largest economies.

DML: This is one of those times when despite being in support of Trump2020, I must remind us all of how many times Trump has cried wolf on trade deals.  Don’t pack the RV for Iowa just yet folks.

5- DML meeting with TeamDML members about a run for Congress
Yes, it is true.  I am taking steps to explore the opportunity left open by faux conservative Rep Rooney of Florida’s 19th district.  Rooney, who championed for climate change and showed signs of supporting the Trump impeachment inquiries, announced his retirement last week.  I am in Florida this month getting my affairs in order to become a Floridian.  If TeamDML supports my run, then odds are high I am taking the plunge.   That said, I am going to need a healthy, well-rested, strong bodied pack of supporters.  Help me help you, help me help America… Today, is one of a handful of days to enter the raffle for FREE DML PURE CBD for an entire year.  Today, go to and buy any 3 pack or starter pack of DML PURE, and your name will be entered into a raffle for a FREE year of supply.  Raffle is drawn on January 1, 2020.

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