DML Briefing: Oct 31

OCTOBER 31, 2019

Today is OCT 31 and here are the stories I am watching.

1-House of Representatives expected to vote on resolution formalizing Trump impeachment inquiry
The House of Representatives is set to debate and vote Thursday on a resolution formalizing the impeachment inquiry against President Trump. It is not a vote on articles of impeachment but to set the ground rules and parameters for the impeachment process.

DML: A historic day that was created by the press and its hatred for Trump.

2-Nancy Pelosi targeted in ethics complaint filed by 40 conservative groups
A coalition of conservative groups has filed an ethics complaint against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D.-Calif., alleging she has “hypocritically usurped” the authority of the president and “weaponized” impeachment proceedings. “In launching her ‘official’ impeachment inquiry without benefit of a vote of the full House of Representatives and without indicating anything remotely qualifying as ‘treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors’ that is the subject of the inquiry, Speaker Pelosi has weaponized impeachment,” reads the complaint, led by Tea Party Patriots Action’s Jenny Beth Martin and signed by 40 different groups.

DML: A valiant effort that goes nowhere.

3-Warren agrees Medicare-for-All could result in two million jobs lost
Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said Wednesday that she agrees with a University of Massachusetts-Amherst economist who concluded a Medicare-for-all health care plan could result in substantial job losses, calling it “part of the cost issue. Robert Pollin of UMass’ Political Economy Research Institute told Kaiser Health News earlier this year that most of the job losses would hit administrative positions — about half among insurers and half in hospitals and doctors’ offices.

DML: She is too radical to be elected, but if she wins nomination it’s a good thing. She is Trump’s best chance for 2020.

4-Pentagon releases video of raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
The Pentagon on Wednesday released video footage of the raid that led to the death of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

DML: I would pay good money to have seen that scums face when he realized there are no virgins waiting for him in Hell.

5-Nationals win World Series
The Washington Nationals claimed the first world championship in franchise history, defeating the Houston Astros, 6-2.

DML: Had the Astros players taken DML CBD PURE they’d of had the stamina to win.  During the TEAM DML Meet & Greet that took place on Oct. 26, I was thrilled by the amount of people who came up to me and mentioned they had new life as a result of taking DML PURE. Don’t be a loser like the Astros, go to and start today.  Be a champion!

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