EXCLUSIVE: Candace Owens shares photos from her wedding [PHOTOS]


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Conservative activist and commentator Candace Owens share photos on Twitter Sunday afternoon of her wedding to George Farmer, from London, England.

The wedding was Saturday, August 31. Her husband is the son of George Farmer, a British businessman and philanthropist.

“Before God, our family and friends— 8/31/19. The Honorable George and Candace Farmer,” she wrote on Twitter Sunday, as she shared two pictures from her wedding.

Other guests shared additional photos. Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA posted the following:

One guest shared a photo of one of the wedding cakes, with a red MAGA hat – with the wording slightly changed. The hat said, “Make Weddings Great Again.”

Additional photos and congratulations are included in the Twitter posts below:

On Thursday Owens, 30, had posted a PragerU video introducing the public to her fiancé.

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