POLL: Are California wildfires caused by climate change?

OCTOBER 30, 2019

Raging wildfires have overtaken the state of California once again, and a multitude of Democrats are blaming “climate change” and declaring it’s time for the government to step in and do something about it.

Democrats have also rushed to blame climate change on other disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes and floods.

Even illegal immigration has been blamed on climate change, and this week Democrat legislators drafted a bill to import at least 50,000 “climate refugees” per year, claiming the U.S. should “offer green cards to “climate-displaced persons … [who] are individuals who have been forcibly displaced by climate change or climate-induced disruptions, such as sea-level rise, glacial outburst floods, desertification or fires.”

Wednesday, a group of protesters invaded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, demanding action on climate change, amid the ongoing wildfires in California.

Democrat Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, author of the radical “Green New Deal,” tweeted on Monday regarding the California wildfires, “This is what climate change looks like. The GOP like to mock scientific warnings about climate change as exaggeration. But just look around: it’s already starting. We have 10 years to cut carbon emissions in half. If we don’t, scenes like this can get much worse.”

Pelosi tweeted on Wednesday, “The enduring bravery of firefighters, first responders, state leaders & National Guard responding to fires across California reminds us of the urgent threat of the climate crisis. Dems will keep fighting the GOP’s anti-science agenda & urging Senate to pass #ClimateActionNow.”

Opinion contributor Daniel Turner wrote in a Fox News op-ed on Wednesday that, for liberals, “Climate change is the cause, and legislation, putting government in charge of everything, is the answer.”  Turner noted that, over time, every phenomena in nature has been attributed to climate change, and said “This was intentional:  show how climate change was the problem and thus grow support for the government solution.”

PLEASE TAKE OUR POLL BELOW – WE WANT YOUR HONEST OPINION.  Do YOU believe the raging California wildfires are the result of “climate change?”


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