POLL: Did GOP candidate Eric Greitens step over the line with his ‘RINO-hunting’ campaign ad? [Video]

JUNE 20, 2022

As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by DailyMail:

Senate candidate Eric Greitens urged his supporters to ‘hunt’ those who don’t support former President Trump is a new gun-wielding ad.

The Missouri Republican posted the new 38-second clip to Twitter. ‘I’m Eric Greitens, Navy Seal and today we’re going RINO hunting,’ he said. ‘A RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice.’

The article goes on to state the following:

‘We are sick and tired of the Republicans in Name Only surrendering to Joe Biden & the radical Left. Order your RINO Hunting Permit today!’ he captioned the new clip.

In the video, Greitens cocks his gun implying he’s ready to start shooting. The video then features Greitens and several other armed military members breaking into a home and shooting up a storm.

“Join the MAGA crew. Get a RINO-hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country,” Greitens declares.

Facebook deleted the video from their platform, and Twitter “hid” the video, forcing users to click “view” in order to watch it.  Twitter also added the following warning label: “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about abusive behavior. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.”

Click “View” to watch:

The video feeds right into the left’s narrative that the “MAGA crowd” are dangerous and violent, and prompted the Washington Post to publish an op-ed titled, “Elite Republicans are now openly encouraging political violence.”

“But we should take them very seriously. Violence isn’t something they’re working to discourage. It has become a key part of their rhetoric and their political program. And the worse it gets, the more pleased they’ll be,” the Washington Post wrote.

Defiantly, Greitens shared a link to the Post’s article and tweeted, “Thank you to @washingtonpost for hosting our video on their website! Everybody can visit the link below to see our new ad!”

PLEASE TAKE OUR POLL BELOW – WE WANT YOUR OPINION!  Is Greitens’ “RINO-hunting” campaign ad appropriate, or did he take this too far?

Greitens, 48, is a former Navy SEAL who served as governor of Missouri for two years before resigning amid allegations of sexual assault and campaign finance violations.

Greitens is now the frontrunner among 20 Republicans running for U.S. Senate to replace retiring GOP Sen. Roy Blunt.  The Missouri GOP primary is on August 2.

The Daily Mail reposted the video in their article:

To get more information about this article, please visit DailyMail. To weigh in, leave a comment below.

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