POLL: In a choice between Trump or DeSantis, who do you want to run for president in 2024?

APRIL 4, 2022

Since departing the White House 15 months ago, former President Donald Trump has hinted multiple times that he may make another run for the presidency in 2024. He has never made any official announcement that he will run, only responding to questions by saying, “I think you’re going to be very happy.”

Trump has also vowed during his speeches that the Republican Party will “take back the House and take back the Senate in 2022,” then in 2024 “we will take back the White House.”

While speaking at a rally in Michigan on Saturday, Trump appeared to leave the door open that either himself or another “good candidate” will run in 2024, as he polled the audience himself.

“When we go back… if we go back.. if it’s me.. You got some good candidates and you have some bad candidates. But you know what? If I do make you happy —if I do make you happy — would anybody here like to see me run?”

The crowd went wild with applause.

“So, if we do it we’ll do it just — we can do things the right way and we’ll be able to do it, and nobody will be able to criticize us, because nobody has ever run a country worse in our history than the United States of America has been run in the last 15 months,” Trump added in a slam against Joe Biden.

Trump, 75, has remained the leader and ‘king-maker’ of the Republican Party, and polls continue to show him as the likely front-runner should he run in 2024.  Should he not run, polls have repeatedly shown Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, 43, with a significant lead in every list of potential GOP presidential candidates.

In January, Axios quoted a “source” as claiming that Trump had made derogatory comments about DeSantis and implied there was a huge rift between the two.  Both Trump and DeSantis shot that down, with DeSantis calling the claims “total bunk” and Trump calling it “totally fake news.”

Some conservative pundits have stated they don’t believe DeSantis would challenge Trump if the former president does decide to run.  Others say they don’t believe Trump will actually run, but believe he is setting the stage for DeSantis to take the helm.

PLEASE TAKE OUR POLL BELOW – WE WANT YOUR OPINION!  In a choice between Trump or DeSantis, who do you want to run for president in 2024?

In his podcast on Monday, DML News App founder Dennis Michael Lynch weighed in on the possibility of DeSantis running for the GOP nomination in 2024.  CLICK BELOW to listen to this must-hear podcast!

DML Podcast Ep47: The brilliant leadership of Ron DeSantis; Escape from NY

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