POLL: Which is your favorite format for the DML Podcast?

APRIL 22, 2022

DML News App and TeamDML.com founder Dennis Michael Lynch would like your feedback on his daily podcast, and which format you enjoy the most!

The Dennis Michael Lynch podcast, which runs every morning Monday-Friday, continues to be highly popular with listeners, and DML has interviewed many top experts on a wide range of issues that Americans are concerned about.

On the days when DML does not have a guest, he weighs in on the top headlines of the day, shares his opinions and offers solutions to the issues facing the nation.

The podcasts are available to the public on the podcast tab of the DML News App, as well as on Spotify, iHeart, or Apple Podcasts. Members of TeamDML can watch video of the podcasts on TeamDML.com.

DML NEEDS YOUR OPINION ABOUT HIS PODCAST!  If you could choose only one format, which do you prefer?

  • Interview style where DML interviews experts or people about a specific topic
  • Or DML alone giving his opinion about the top headlines of the day

PLEASE TAKE OUR POLL BELOW – DML is looking forward to your feedback!

After you take the poll above, feel free to share additional feedback in the comments section below.


Listen to the latest daily DML podcasts below! Then please share. And if you have the DML NEWS APP, please tell people to download it today and help conservatives have a real voice.

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