POLL: Who do you side with in 7YO-child gender transition case?

OCTOBER 24, 2019

Luna or James?

Texas parents are in a battle over their child’s gender.

7-year-old James Younger was born a male, but his mother says he suffers from gender dysphoria and wants to transition into a female with the name “Luna.”

“Anne Georgulas, the mother of the two boys, has advocated for James to transition into Luna and has strongly backed the idea of chemically castrating her son and beginning hormone replacement therapy,” the Washington Examiner reports. “Georgulas has additionally secured a letter of recommendation for transition for James from a woman associated with a gay children’s therapy center. “This is a letter of recommendation that my client, James Younger, aka Luna, begin the process of becoming a patient of the GENECIS clinic so that she can receive a full psychological assessment for gender dysphoria and potentially take hormone blockers,” said a letter from Rebekka Ouer from Dallas Rainbow Therapy.’

The child’s father, Jeffrey Younger, disagrees. He says the diagnosis of gender dysphoria is inaccurate and that his son is too young to decide or undergo hormone treatments. He brought expert witnesses into the case, who said James was not “fully convinced that he was inherently female,” the Examiner reports.

“There is still some fluidity in his thinking,” said Dr. Benjamin Albritton in sworn testimony. “Neither child appears to be depressed, anxious or aggressive … He [James] gave no indications of other significant psychological difficulties.”

The court prohibited Younger from dressing James as a boy. He is also prohibited from sharing faith-based or biologically-based scientific teachings on sexuality, Breitbart reports.

Yet “family friends who have observed James when he is in his father’s care reportedly affirm he dresses and behaves as a boy by his own choosing,” according to Breitbart.

We ask you: Do you agree with the mother that the 7-year-old is capable of making this decision, or with the father that the child should not be chemically castrated at such a young age?


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