REPORT: ‘A little too hot’: Trump Jr. had to be told to calm down amid Mueller investigation

NOVEMBER 2, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM:

Donald Trump Jr. claimed that both his lawyers and President Trump urged him to tone down some of his aggressiveness on social media while defending himself from accusations of Russia collusion.

The president’s son was accused of colluding with the foreign power because he met in June 2016 with a Kremlin-linked lawyer who claimed to have “dirt” on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He addressed the meeting as well as the advice to cool down on social media in his new book Triggered, slated for a release next week.

The article goes on to state the following:

He said, “Even my lawyers approached me and said, ‘Don, you might want to slow down on social media, maybe not be so aggressive.’ I politely declined. Shortly after that, my father — yes, my father, Donald J. Trump, our tweeter-in-chief, the so-called Shakespeare of 140 characters — told me that I might be getting ‘a little too hot’ on my social media accounts.”

Trump Jr. explained that while he usually listens to his father, he didn’t this time.

“I respect the heck out of my dad, and when he gives me advice I take it ninety-nine point nine percent of the time,” he wrote. “This, however, was probably the one time I decided not to listen!”

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