REPORT: Amber Guyger trial witness Joshua Brown was ‘assassinated’, lawyer claims

OCTOBER 6, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by DailyMail:

Amber Guyger witness Joshua Brown was targeted for death in an ‘assassination,’ his family’s lawyer told in an exclusive interview Sunday.

And S. Lee Merritt said he is refusing to rule out that police were somehow involved in the shooting that took Brown’s life just two days after his evidence had helped convict the Dallas cop of the murder of neighbor Botham Jean in a nationally watched trial.

The article goes on to state the following:

‘It is a possibility,’ Merritt said. ‘I don’t have any evidence other than the timing, but I am not ruling anything out.

Merritt further stated, “But what I do know is that Joshua was targeted. This was an assassination. He pulled into his parking lot and he was shot. The perpetrators fled. They didn’t steal anything from him. This is a kid who had no gang ties, there was no lover’s quarrel. He was an AirBnB host and roofer. All the usual suspects of crime, drugs and sex are simply not there.”

CLICK HERE to read more of this exclusive report by the Daily Mail.

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