REPORT: De Blasio: ‘Something doesn’t fit’ about Jeffrey Epstein’s death

OCTOBER 31, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by Politico:

Mayor Bill de Blasio again raised the specter of conspiracy surrounding the death of Jeffrey Epstein, saying Thursday that “something doesn’t fit,” even after the city’s own medical examiner found the death was a suicide.

De Blasio first said in August he thought something was amiss regarding the billionaire’s suicide in federal jail in Manhattan, where he was being held on multiple charges of sexual abuse and sex trafficking. This week, a pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother disputed findings of an autopsy by the city’s medical examiner that the death was a suicide.

The article goes on to state the following:

The pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, claimed that evidence suggested Epstein may have been strangled in prison. Baden is a Fox News contributor and former New York City medical examiner with his own colorful history, who was fired by Mayor Ed Koch after a series of complaints.

“Something doesn’t fit here. It just doesn’t make sense that the highest profile prisoner in America, you know, someone forgot to guard him,” he told reporters during an unrelated press conference in Queens.

“I want to understand, I think everyone wants to understand, what really happened. I don’t know what the nature of the death was,” the mayor continued. “I just know it should never have happened, and we still don’t have good answers.”

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