REPORT: Former Whitewater prosecutor makes prediction about Durham probe results
As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by FOXNEWS.COM:
Former Whitewater prosecutor Robert Ray said the investigation by U.S. Attorney John Durham into the origins of the Russia investigation likely will spark indictments of bureau officials as new information continues to emerge.
“It is a criminal investigation with grand-jury authority, and I don’t think the attorney general expects this is going to be just left to the side of history without actual prosecutions being brought to hold those responsible accountable,” Ray said during the Fox News special, “Witch Hunt,” airing Sunday.
The article goes on to state the following:
But, he added, “Even if no felony prosecution is ever brought as a result of this, this is a political scandal of the highest order and the American people should be paying attention.”
Ray also stated, “I imagine there are people who are in the know who may well have knowingly withheld information from the court and from defense counsel in connection with the Michael Flynn prosecution. If it turns out that that can be proved, then there are going to be referrals and potential false statements, and/or perjury prosecutions to hold those, particularly those in positions of authority, accountable.”
If you missed the show, “Witch Hunt: The Flynn Vindication,” it repeats tonight at 11 pm, eastern, on the Fox News Channel.
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) May 25, 2020
— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 25, 2020
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