VIDEO: Liberal actress, #MeToo advocate, defends Katie Hill: ‘I would have fought by her side’

OCTOBER 29, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by FOXNEWS.COM:

Actress, activist and #MeToo advocate Alyssa Milano defended Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif., on Tuesday night, expressing she “would’ve fought by her side” if the congresswoman hadn’t chosen to resign, despite the lawmaker’s admission that she was in an “inappropriate” relationship with a campaign staffer.

Appearing on CNN, the former “Charmed” star was asked if she thought Hill’s announced resignation was the “right move.”

The article goes on to state the following:

“I don’t feel that it was the right move. I feel that there’s incredible hypocrisy that goes on, and if Katie Hill were a man who was in a consensual relationship with another man and a woman, that this would be a different outcome.”

“I don’t feel it was fair, and I really appreciate Katie Hill and where she was coming from in resigning, but I do wish she fought a little harder. I would’ve fought by her side,” Milano declared.

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