REPORT: New details emerge on Chinese woman caught at Mar-a-Lago with malware being asked to meet Clintons

OCTOBER 4, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by FOXNEWS.COM:

A Chinese businesswoman who was convicted of trespassing at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida earlier this year had been urged by her handler to target other famous figures including the Clintons and billionaire businessman Warren Buffett, court documents say.

Yujing Zhang, 33, who is scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 22, was caught by Secret Service agents with troves of technology embedded with malware and thousands of dollars in cash after she claimed that she was at Trump’s prestigious club to attend a “United Nations friendship event” that had apparently been canceled. Her bizarre behavior and backstory led to suspicions that she was a Chinese government spy, but she was not charged with espionage or related crimes.

The article goes on to state the following:

Zhang apparently purchased a $20,000 travel package from Li Weitian, also known as Charles Lee, who advertised tickets on the Chinese social media site WeChat promising access to events across the U.S. to meet prominent political and business figures.

The report states that, after learning the event at Mar-a-Lago had been cancelled, Lee tried to convince Zhang to attend another event in New York City, where Bill and Hillary Clinton were scheduled to attend.

Lee urged Zhang to go to “Clinton’s event, Clinton and his wife Hillary,” he said, offering her a ticket for $60,000. “There are politicians and the finance people that you talked about wanting to meet in this event. You can meet with these two famous people in one setting. Hillary was the former Secretary of State, equivalent to the Prime Minister. That is very extraordinary. Er… you can stand in between them and have a photo taken.”

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