REPORT: Real income expectations rise to record high, boosting Trump’s re-election chances

OCTOBER 16, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by BREITBART.COM:

Expectations for real incomes among American public hit the highest level that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has ever tracked in its monthly Survey of Consumer Expectations.

The central bank said that in September expectations for inflation one year ahead rose slightly to 2.48 percent from 2.41 percent a month earlier. At the same time, expectations for earnings jumped to 2.54 percent from 2.26 percent.

The article goes on to state the following:

As a result, inflation-adjusted earnings expectations turned positive, rising to 0.06 percent. That might not seem like a huge positive but it is a record high in a metric that rarely even registers a figure above zero.

This could provide support for consumer spending, a crucial force driving economic growth. Consumer expectations about household earnings can drive large purchases such as homes, cars, and major appliances.

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