REPORT: Ukrainian president speaks out on Dems’ claims of blackmail | Trump responds

OCTOBER 10, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected the notion that President Trump employed blackmail in his July 25 phone call with the leader from the White House.

As House Democrats push to move forward with a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump’s call with Zelensky, the Ukrainian president attempted to set the record straight. Zelensky confirmed that Trump did speak to him on July 25 and that the transcript released by the White House was accurate. He rejected, however, the whistleblower complaint’s assertion that he was being coerced into investigating former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, through withheld monetary aid from the United States. “There was no blackmail,” Zelensky said from a Kiev food market. “They blocked this money and nobody asked us [for] anything.”

The article goes on to state the following:

Zelensky acknowledged that $400 million in military aid from the U.S. had been withheld over concerns of corruption but flatly denied that blackmail or extortion had been a factor in such a decision. That money and aid were later released to Ukraine.

Following Zelensky’s statement, President Trump tweeted in response:

The President of the Ukraine just stated again, in the strongest of language, that President Trump applied no pressure and did absolutely nothing wrong. He used the strongest language possible. That should end this Democrat Scam, but it won’t, because the Dems & Media are FIXED!

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