VIDEO: UK asks Trump to make diplomat’s wife return after fatal collision involving teen

OCTOBER 9, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by Politico:

Boris Johnson asked Donald Trump to “reconsider the U.S. position” and force the wife of an American diplomat who is a suspect in a fatal road crash to return to Britain.

According to Downing Street, Johnson told Trump he wanted the U.S. to reconsider giving immunity to Anne Sacoolas, who left the U.K. despite telling police she had no plans to do so after a crash in which teenager Harry Dunn was killed. Dunn’s motorbike collided with a car near an RAF base in Northamptonshire on August 27.

The article goes on to state the following:

Sacoolas should “return to the U.K., cooperate with police and allow Harry’s family to receive justice,” Downing Street said Johnson told Trump.U.K.

The child’s parents, Tim Dunn and Charlotte Charles, spoke with ABC News in London on Tuesday.

ABC reports, “Harry was riding his motorcycle along a roadway in the village of Croughton, England, on the night of Aug. 27, when a car traveling in the opposite direction on the wrong side of the road hit him head-on. The 19-year-old was taken to a hospital in the nearby city of Oxford, where he died soon after, according to Northamptonshire Police.”

“It was pretty obvious what had occurred. Her car was completely on Harry’s side of the road,” Charles told ABC News.

“She was on the wrong side of the road,” Tim Dunn said. “It was her fault.”

In a statement issued by Downing Street, a spokesman said:

“The prime minister urged the president to reconsider the US position so the individual involved can return to the UK, co-operate with police and allow Harry’s family to receive justice.

“The president said he was fully aware of the case and deeply saddened by what has happened, and he expressed his condolences to Harry’s parents. The leaders agreed to work together to find a way forward as soon as possible.”

Trump called it “a complex issue … because we are talking about diplomatic immunity.”

“You have two wonderful parents who lost their son, and the woman was driving on the wrong side of the road. That happens. I will not say it ever happened to me, but it did.”

“We are going to speak to her [Sacoolas] very shortly and see if we can do something,” he added. “It was an accident. It was a terrible accident … We are going to speak to her and see what we can come up with, so that there can be healing. There is anger over it. It is a terrible incident. I understand the anger from the other side.”

WATCH what Trump said below. See the entire press conference here.

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