VIDEO: WATCH: Hero trooper pulls driver from car just seconds before it is hit by train

OCTOBER 31, 2019

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As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM:

A Utah state trooper might have saved a man’s life after springing into action and pulling his unconscious body from a car that came to rest on train tracks.

Trooper Ruben Correa was responding to a traffic stop when he got a call from dispatch notifying him of a car that was on train tracks not far from him.

The article goes on to state the following:

A man, who is in his 20s, had a medical issue that caused him to careen off the road and land on the tracks.

Watch the bone-chilling video below, as Trooper Correa got the driver out of the car just seconds before the train hit it.

After the incident, Correa explained, “I saw he was unconscious, so I opened his door [and] explained to him we’ve got to get out. He wasn’t responding. Then I heard the horn from a train.”

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