POLL: Do you approve of Biden returning return billions in frozen funding to Afghanistan?

AUGUST 22, 2022

As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by REUTERS.COM:

WASHINGTON, Aug 22 (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration will press ahead with talks on releasing billions of dollars in Afghanistan’s foreign-held assets despite the late al Qaeda leader’s presence in Kabul and foot-dragging by the Taliban and Afghan central bank, according to three sources with knowledge of the situation.

The decision to pursue the initiative to help stabilize Afghanistan’s collapsed economy underscores growing concern in Washington over a humanitarian crisis as the United Nations warns that nearly half the country’s 40 million people face “acute hunger” as winter approaches.

At the core of the U.S.-led effort, as Reuters reported last month, is a plan to transfer billions in foreign-held Afghan central bank assets into a proposed Swiss-based trust fund. Disbursements would be made with the help of an international board and bypass the Taliban, many of whose leaders are under U.S. and U.N. sanctions.

During an August 11 briefing, just days after al Qaeda leader Zawahiri was killed by a CIA drone strike in Kabul, U.S. State Department and Treasury officials reportedly stated they will pursue talks to release the funds.

“The strike did not change the U.S. government’s commitment to setting up the international trust fund” and it is “working with the same speed and alacrity as before the strike,” a source for the U.S. said.

At issue is about $7 billion in Afghan assets, which was frozen in the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paralyzing Afghanistan’s banking system.  In February, Biden ordered half the sum set aside “for the benefit of the Afghan people,” but the courts could decide to release it all, Reuters states.

PLEASE TAKE OUR POLL BELOW – WE WANT YOUR OPINION.  Since the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan, should the U.S. return billions in frozen funding to Afghanistan?

A recent report revealed that the United States left over $7 billion in military equipment in Afghanistan for the Taliban amid the Biden administration’s bungled withdrawal last year.

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